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We are most pleased to present us, the people who laboured for hours and hours
and hours and, well, you get the general gist of it, on this Webservice.
First and foremost, we are volunteers...that means we are
doing this:
A.To aid and abet us, the cool UFies in hooking up
with other cool UFies for fun, friendship and romance.
B.As we are serving penance for some eveel(s) committed in a past life.
C.Because we can.
We are:
20's something Ubergeek and Ultimate UFie
Arcterex slaved for hours upon veritable hours, never seeing the light of day,
leaving the comfort of his terminal only under the cloak of darkness to
recharge on the odd Guinness (his beverage of choice). Pizza provided him the
five food groups (and thus a semblance of nutrition) and Coke, via IV
injection, the mandatory caffeine to see him succeed in this endeavour.
Coding everything, swearing at postgres, loving vi, authoring the HTML and
hunting and squashing down bugs, he forged bravely on to see this site
n'service up and running.
Arcterex would like to thank id Software
for Quake 2 as it provided him with a
diversion necessary to remain sane, Cornelius K. for being a reasonably well
behaved cat during the development of this site, and Perl for being the
glorious language that it is. If you would like to contact Arcterex for any
reason whatsoever (worship, propositions and proclomations of undying devption
being the best reasons) shoot him an email at arcterex@ufies.org.
20's something Garden Variety Goddess, Hopeless and Hapless Romantic
Iambe did the words. Ya, that is it - the wordy bits, strings of text without
an operator anywhere close. Iambe is responsible for the grueling day to day
task of submission verification n'stuff as well as correspondence with anyone
using this keener than a new Sinatra album service. She also provides
submission editing and garden variety and beyond advice on love, romance,
seperating whites from colours in the wash and whatever for any one requesting
Iambe would like to thank Arcterex for being so durn hoopy frood in doing the
backend stuff that she could not, Coke, Quad Damage Mochas, Chocomoo and last
but not least Guinness (no Not altogether) for providing her
with the liquid refreshment needed to undertake this task, her Mom for being
about the coolest Mom out there, Dad for being one cool Daddio, Tiggersol for
helping out in the pinch and the lusers on any Quake server she happens to
grace for being cannon fodder in thinking that Chix can not aim. Iambe would
like to thank her cats as well, but they honestly did nothing to help.
If you would like to contact Iambe to find out where to have the bouquet of
flowers sent, because you need advice, or simply to complain about something,
email her at iambe@userfriendly.org.