Wow, this page is *old*. Well, I'm back at it, re-writing things again on my
development server to see if I can bring p2p back out of the dark ages of technology
and into at least the 2000's. Hopefully I'll actually be motivated this time. Anyway, I
fixed some bugs on the server that were preventing people from getting their registrations
approved, and imported about 170+ users into the system. Things hopefully will pick up here
as well. I also may add some google ads to the page to bring in some extra revenue
to help pay for the server. In the meantime please donate via the link at the bottom of the
page to help keep the server running.
Well, it seems like things have settled down a bit more. There are still things
in the works, but ads are coming in and searches are going out! Again, if you
asked for an ad to be removed that was, but then it re-appeared, I am sorry, I
think we have most of them now though! :)
Sadly, more data curruption and hardware failure has occured here, and any changes to the database between march 7 and now, including additions, removals or changes, have been lost. Data up to that point has been restored from backup, but since then any changes have been lost :(
This means if you submitted an ad since then, you'll have to resubmit it, ditto with changes or deletions. This will hopefully not happen again, as the hardware on this system has had some donations go towards it and we now have a nice RAID5 system going, which will hopefully stop any future problems like this.
More Success!
Hi Iambe,
I sent you a note about a year ago to tell you that I had met a
man on P2P.. and that we were engaged. Well, on June 30th, we got
We will always be grateful to you and the others who set up P2P.
Otherwise, we two shy geeks might have never met...
Here are some pictures from the big day:
Happily ever after,
Adrianne Mora
Just to let you all know, the server will be going down for a time
wednesday evening (probably) for a hardware upgrade. This should
be short and painless. <crossing fingers>
The time has come to give Peer 2 Peer the kinda facelift that would make an entire legion of Hollywood Starlettes
envious. Arcterex and I are planning a complete overhaul from db and content to interface and design. As such we are looking to
you for your suggestions and commentary on what you would like to see in the new P2P. We want to know
how we can make this a better service for you.
Suggestions will be considered until July 10th at which time we shall both fly by the seat of our pants in implimenting a new
look and improved functionality - we both thrive on that kinda fast living.
Let us know what it is you would like to see here before we ignore taste and convention and blend puce and egg yolk yellow together for the new look!
Wow, exactly a month between news items :) FYI, if anyone noticed anything
wierd here tonight, it's due to some software upgrades that left the personals
DB down for a bit. It seems to be all up and going again now though.
Let me know if anything strange
happens though.
Now the keyword search will seach geek code as well.
Recalling a recent count of P2P-derived happy couples, I'm not sure if I
took the time to thank you. Mark Gordon (software tester, graphics
programmer, geek) and Enid Williams (web designer, geek), both of
Madison, Wisconsin, met several months ago after responding to each
other's P2P ads, and we're both quite happy. I'm pretty sure I can
speak on her behalf, anyways. ;-) I don't think I've ever dated anyone
who was more like me. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart.
-Mark Gordon
We'll be having some downtime tomorrow, thursday the 16th in the evening,
around 7-9 or so PST for a hardware upgrade.
Added some stats on the search page to see what was going on. I was going to
put gender based stats (x male, y female etc) but decided that there are a lot
of people who lurk but don't post, and showing a tiny # of one gender vs
another might dissuade more of that gender from posting ads.
Ok, so things have been slow around here for a while. Well, there is a
As you may, or may not have noticed, peer 2 peer has moved to
a new server. Hopefully you'll see a speed increase as we're on a nice big
pipe, and the box running this site has a lot more horsepower than before!
A little DNS magic and hopefully this will be an easy and transparent
Well, after a long stint with no new features (but a fine running system), I
added the ability to search by a persons PID to the search page. Should have been there from the start...
silly me :-)
Just a note folks... if you could keep the HTML out of the ads I'd appreciate
it. Either we reject them or we have to strip it out ourselves, and that
Updated the search script. Now it has a 'details' link, and it also reverse
sorts the results. Thanks for the suggestions to those people who sent them
in. Please, please don't hesitate to send in a suggestion or a heads
up to something that doesn't work right.
... and at 2am we now have age range searches. I can see errors happening
here if someone puts in from 40 to 20, but I have confidence in our users. Of
course, if people do get confused, I'll try to figure out a better way to do
Well, we're off and going, and still serving! The personals are rolling in,
and we're fixing little things here. Thanks a lot to the people who have
offered suggestions about how to make things run better, or improvements to
make. I got mail (for @personals.ufies.userfriendly.org) working tonight
(thanks Winged!) so soon the need for a remailer will cease, and you can use
your own address.
Also, this whole system will soon be moving onto a new box, a new domain, and
more bandwidth. I have all that is needed to build a box,
and it's just a matter of time. To those who have written in with requests
for changes, keep patient, we're working on it.
Yes, we were hit, and hit hard. A reboot and a few tweaks to apache and we're
off to the races again. Thanks to Tiggersol for the logo that you see
here, and also some un-mentioned as far advice on the design of the site.
Well, after a month and a half of hard work, we finally have the site up. And
on time too!
Hopefully all the little bugs were worked out in beta testing, but if not,
they will be soon enough.
Basically this area will be for announcements for the site, new features and
so on. We have worked hard to make this thing work for you, the
single Geek, and we hope you enjoy, use, but most of all
benefit from it.
For now, here is a list of the features we hope to have up in the next couple
of weeks or so.
- create-your-own aliases. Instead of requiring you to have a remailer,
have the personals site assign a
personalXXXX@personals.ufies.userfriendly.org address to you. I don't
want to do this until we have a stable mail server though. Right now the
site is just running on my ADSL connection and I think will be taxed
without hundreds of email forwarding to be done!
- display details option on the ads. The main search will show
only a couple of bits of information about a person, and you click a link
to get their full stats.
- Results grouped in groups of 10-20. This isn't a concern as yet, but
when we get more submissions in, this will become needed.
Down the road we will of course be putting up a SUCCESS page where we will be
welcoming your submissions of successful connections.
My *cough* thanks, to the person who set this site as the target for a bit of
the slashdot
effect. Now I know why suddenly the box had a load of 78!
Tacos always give me nasty gas :)